After completing this course, participants should be able to:
• Describe the main mental illnesses in Europe (Depression – Anxiety disorders – Bipolar affective disorder – Schizophrenia and other psychoses – Dementia – Developmental disorders – Substance use disorders)
• Understand the main features and symptoms linked with each mental health condition.
• Understand the usual treatments and medication for each of main mental ill and the effects of the intake of this medication may cause.
• Discuss the use of physical activity/exercise/sports as a supplement intervention to therapy.
• Use different ways of measuring physical activity in the mental health context
Lessons: 16 h
Private study: 12 h
UNIT 1: Introduction to mental health and mental disorder.
UNIT 2: Mental health disorders and symptoms.
UNIT 3: Recovery and treatment
UNIT 4: Medication and side effects.
UNIT 5: Professional intervention patterns.