Annuncio del progetto europeo ASAL

Annuncio del progetto europeo ASAL

The organization “EDRA” is announcing the start of the European project ASAL – “Advanced Skills for Active Living”.  ASAL is a project funded by the ERASMUS+ Sport Program, which is implemented in Greece, Italy, Spain, Czech Republic and Belgium. Its basic aim is to train professionals from the field of Sports Science and Physical Activity to develop skills needed in order to be able to engage and work in structures that target population with mental health illnesses, by providing high quality services and assisting the therapeutic process. The kick-off meeting of the project  took place in Ancona, Italy on February 2019 organized by the Italian Partner, COOS Marche, where all the partners got together and planed the programs outputs and activities which are going to last until June 2020.

Read the full Press Release here.