
“Social Cooperative Activities for Vulnerable Groups” (Abbreviation: K.S.D.E.O. “EDRA”) is a Non-Profit Organisation – Social Cooperative, that has been active since 2001 to promote mental health and protect the rights of vulnerable groups.
EDRA provides mental health services and raises public awareness in matters concerning mental health, supports the child and the family cope with learning difficulties, intervenes therapeutically in the field of special education and mental retardation, develops national and European initiatives for socially vulnerable groups, contributes to the harmonization of family and professional life, provides lifelong training programs for all population groups.
“EDRA” is certified with ISO 9001:2008 and managerial competency for the management and implementation of Co-funded Projects and it is also a member of the Transparency Register of the European Union (524950719942-02). Moreover, it is a member of distinguished networks such as N.E.F.E.L.E. Network (Network of European Arts Festivals for Mental Health) currently serving as President of the Board, E.N.A.L.M.H. (European Network of Active Living for Mental Health) currently serving as President of the Board, EUFAMI (European Federation of People with Mental Illness), etc.
In order to ensure the quality as well as the efficiency of the provided services, the organisation has a staff of approximately 150 employees, who are specialized in their operating field and share the culture and values which stem from its vision. Since the commencement of its operation, K.S.D.E.O. “EDRA” has provided services to more than 6.500 beneficiaries.
“EDRA” operates in the following sectors:
- Mental Health
- Mental Retardation
- Child and Family
- Vulnerable Social Groups
- Education
Eschylou 5 str, Peristeri, Athens, Greece. P.C. 12134 — Greece

COOSS Marche
COOSS provides social, educational and care services to different categories of users, who are cared for either at their private homes or within tailored structures. COOSS manages communities, protected homes and daily centers, some of its own property. The greatest part of the services are devoted to elderly and disabled/mentally impaired people, but a relevant part of COOSS activities are addressed to other typologies of users, as drug addicted, minors at risk of marginalization and migrants.
Part of COOSS services are devoted to mentally impaired persons, who are mainly assisted within family-like communities (hosting a max of 8 users) by educators, psychologists and a psychiatrist, with the purpose to facilitate their social integration and labor insertion. COOSS manages residential therapeutic settings («Soteria», «Casa Gialla», «Thaon de Revel», «Il Gabbiano», «SRR», «Casa Rossa»), daily centers for psychiatric rehabilitation («La Serra», «Il Sentiero») and territorial services («Sollievo Project», «Information Point», «labor inclusion services»).
COOSS also has a Department of Research and Training involved in local, national and European initiatives. The research activities are mainly addressed to EU projects on social issues, while the training area proposes VET courses for the orientation and qualification of people in social professions. Its financial resources mainly derive from Public Administrations and from the National Health System.
COOSS is organized in 3 main departments:
- Administration
- Services management
- Marketing (the Department of Research and Training is a subgroup of this section).
Via Saffi, 4, 60121, Ancona — Italy

Fundación Intras
INTRAS is a non-profit organization founded in August 1994 and dedicated to provide training, intervention and rehabilitation services targeting people with mental illness and/or other disabilities. The organization nowadays consists of 14 centers in 10 different provinces in Spain with over 280 psychologists and professionals in social and educational fields, as well as sport trainers, carrying out training programmes, clinical practice, and leisure and sport activities. Since years INTRAS uses sports and outdoor activities as a tool to promote healthy life style of its target groups as well as for their social inclusion.
The development of its services and programmes is based on the Recovery approach, since past experiences show that more than 50% of people with mental health issues can be recovered. The main aim of its training and rehabilitation activities is to achieve an own life project with an appropriate level of quality of life, despite that some symptoms of the mental illness may persist. For that, INTRAS pays special attention and listen to the voice of its target groups demanding new programmes and activities, in order to provide services tailored to the potential of each person and provide people with the resources needed to empower them to be protagonist of their recovery process and thus of their own life.
INTRAS has broad experience in cooperating at international level, not only by participating at EU projects (more than 30 developed in the last 3 years), but also been active members of relevant networks in the field of disability such as Mental Health Europe (MHE) and European Platform for Rehabilitation (EPR).
INTRAS is the only organization in Castilla y Leon that works in the field of mental health that has received the EFQM certificate (European Foundation for Quality Management) for business excellence (bronze seal 400+).
C/ Martín Santos Romero, 1, 47016 Valladolid — Spain

Fokus Praha
The vision of Fokus Praha is to support people with mental illness experience and enable them live in their natural environments, in a family, in a community, workplace, in close contact with their closest people and in cooperation with professionals from health care, social services, employment services, education and leisure activities including Sport. Many of its clients are doing sport and it helps them on their recovery road. The possibility to take part in international competitions is very motivating and important for them. Fokus Praha believes in recovery, in capability of people to live quality lives independently, and to have opportunities to make decisions concerning themselves, their life roles and treatment. The vital criterion for its services is to fulfill the needs of each particular person.
Fokus Praha strives for reducing the stigma of people facing mental problems, organizes discussions, meetings with professionals and general public. It actively contributes to professional and laic media, creates de-stigmatization PR campaigns, initiates common activities and happenings with partner organizations and associations. Fokus Praha is member of the international associations Mental Health Europe and Social Firms Europe.
Dolákova 536/24, 181 00 Praha 8 / Bohnice — Czech Republic

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens — School of Physical Education and Sport Science
The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens is the oldest higher education institution in Greece. Since 1860, the university has been carrying on a tradition of excellence and innovation in the fields of education and research. The University is organized into 32 faculties and departments. With over 120.000 students and 1200 academic staff, the university enjoys high prestige at national and international level and cooperates with over 200 universities world-wide. The University provides bachelor, master and doctoral studies. The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens is a member of some of the most important university networks and associations.
The School of Physical Education and Sport Science of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (UOA) is made up of the following Departments: Sport Medicine and Biology of Exercise, Theoretical and Social Sciences, Sport Games, Gymnastics and Dance, Track and Field Activities, Water Sports. At present, the School has 3.791 undergraduate students, 256 graduate (master’s and doctorate programs), an academic staff of 67 professors, associate professors, assistant professors and eleven (11) instructors.
The School of Physical Education and Sport Science offers programs at master and doctoral level in different specialties, among which Sport Management and Health Promotion. The School of Physical Education and Sport Science master’s and doctoral degree programs in Sport Management train professionals for advanced work in all sectors of the sports industry by providing a broad understanding of the field, while also teaching specific management skills in the areas of sport personnel management, law, sports marketing, and facility or event superintendence. Based in Athens, which is a very important city of the sports world, students learn from an exclusive network of industry leaders. Faculty cooperates with academic, as well as nonacademic organizations like sport associations, public administration and private sector. Students have to participate in different internships during their studies (in public, private and voluntary sector). The mission of the Health Promotion program is to discover, disseminate and apply science-based knowledge to meet basic human needs and to promote health and well-being through teaching and research. Research focuses primarily on the assessment and promotion of physical activity and health in the population. In addition, staff members of the Faculty are interested in applied community-based physical activity programming.
41 Ethnikis Antistassis str, 17237, Dafne, Athens, Greece

Panellinios Athletic Club
Panellinios G.S. is a Greek multi-sport club which is located in Athens and was founded in 1891, by a group of 27 distinguished persons from Athens high society. It is one of the oldest sports clubs in Greece and also one of the oldest sports clubs in Europe.
The name Panellinios can be translated as Pan-Hellenic in English, and can be interpreted to mean “The Greek Nation”. Gymnastikos Syllogos can be translated as gymnastics or athletics club. Therefore, the club’s full name can be translated and/or interpreted as “The National Gymnastics Club”, or “The National Athletics Club”. It was the largest Greek athletic club in its early years, when it focused on Olympic events, a fact evidenced by the club logo, “Discobolus”, which is famous Athenian sculptor Myron’s depiction of a discus thrower.
Panellinios has amassed countless titles, medals and awards, particularly Olympic events, helping it earn the nickname “Club of Olympians”. Its accomplishments on the basketball court are also noteworthy. Panellinios’s six national titles rank it fifth among the winningest clubs in Greek basketball history, during which it was a semi-dynasty in the post-World War II years.
2, Evelpidon & 26, Mavromateon, 11362, Athens — Greece

ENAMLH Network
EMALMH (European Network of Active Living for Mental Health) is an Association operating under the Belgian Law under the status of AISBL (international not for profit association). It is legally seated in Brussels, Belgium. ENALMH is the only specialized network Europe wide on sport and physical exercise for mental health and it is generated within the framework of MENS project, funded by EACEA, as a core deliverable of the project. It counts up to now 15 members organisations from Italy (2), Spain, UK, Greece (4), Ireland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Turkey, Lithuania and Croatia.
ENALMH is cooperating with other EU networks of the field and plans to develop related activities in Belgium and promote the Active Living for Mental health initiative all around Europe. The geographical scope of the Network extends to the Council of Europe reference area. The Association has participated in number of EU conferences and forums as well as to the European Campaign “Life is like a bike” for the promotion of the connection of sport and physical activities for mental health.